Sunday, December 21, 2008

to see if reindeer's really know how to fly

here's a birthday shout-outs to the December babies! =)

9th december - happy bustday TENGKUSHERILAMIRAHBUSTAMAN
here's to many many many more years of friendship!

16th december - melindakrishanti
love you loads cousin!

20 december - sharonantheasimeoneanthony
you are the cutest thing ever baby cousin!

22nd december - michelletanmeisze
you awesome and i sayang you manyak-manyak!

and that concludes my birthday shout0out! love ya'll december babi-es! haha

oh oh tg tg.. LOOK AT WHAT I HAVE!

AHHHHH.. tg!! god. us and my BESTBUDDEH. =)

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