Thursday, December 11, 2008

one thing is clear

so.. we had our prom on the 9th of december!!
i'm not gonna say much.. but just a brief description..
andrew netto mc'ed
one buck short performed
repulse from taman sea performed
smack dance crew performed
gregory ramanado also performed and was awesome
dose two (naqib and trixx) performed

this two pics were taken as we were leaving fran's place!

repulse from taman sea

again another shot of repulse from taman sea

rish, tg, shan, fran and me -JING BANG!!

shan fran and me - shan looking gorgeous

us boogy-ing on the dance floor

shan and me - i look like crap la!

fran and me

jing bang minus rish.. i loike this pic.

fran and me.. haha looking at the camera

rubesh, rish, fran, tg, idris and me!

one more for the collection! tg and i

idris and tg =)

my date and i

alethea and i - ale lookssss BEAUTIFUL!!

okay.. there are more pics.. will upload when i am not lazy! hehe! or you can just see them on face book on tg's page!

love ya'll

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