well yesterday was a GOOD DAY! haha, no i mean i rarely have one of those anymore. anyways... let me tell you about my good good day! =) it started of with my getting up at 11.. took an lrt to the best friend's(tg) house.. cause i "forgot" that practice was canceled.. we sit around.. then..
- watch brothers and sisters..
- tg goes and showers at 5..
- then we devour spaghetti courtesy of the Fran from marmalade.. heehee thanks Fran.
- watch brothers and sisters some more.
- then her mum orders pizza for dinner.. we stuff ourselves with half a pizza =) tg said that its okay.. we will lose all that fat when we have to sing for 1 whole week at klpac for Australian month.
- and laugh our freaking butts of watching brothers and sisters! heeheeee
- we go down to send me off and tg checks her mail. and there it is.. the college application she has been waiting for!! (nahh now you don't feel like a bumm-bumm)
- i reach home.. go online and.. something tells me.. go check your application status.. so i do.. and guess what!!!!!! more on that in the next post k!
ohoh... btw we never left the computer where we were watching brothers and sisters.. yea we cool like that!!
okay many may say "ohh. but that's not a good day.. to me it seems quite boring" well.. then i would say, it sucks to be you then! *Que music from avenue q - it sucks to be me.. heeheee.. well i think that when you and your bestest friend get together and do whatever the hell you want.. you don't even have to do anything and it would be fun because you are with your bestest friend! so yea..


haha. oh and tg.. you are kitty you get Robert!! hahaha... i am Rebecca.. heehee.. i get Justin!! heeeeeeeeh.
12. cant wait for the sexxah face la!
I don't LIKE Robert.
He's got no hair anywhere.
he's like..better waxed than a girl. teeheehee.
not that I like my men hairy lah.
how do you know he has no hair EVERYWHERE? hhaha. =)
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