Taken by who? - MEEEE
When was this taken? - 3 days ago
Where was the place? - aunts place
2.A picture with your friends.

When was it taken? - 1 month ago
Who are they? Kar Ling and Kar Mun!
3. A picture of you in a fitting room.
Don't have one.
4. A picture of you with X’mas tree or X’mas decos.
also dont have
5. A picture of you doing peace sign.
Nada. :P
6. A picture of you in B&W.

Did you take it in B&W or photoshopped? - I took it in B&W
7. A picture of you in school uniform.(If already graduate, then go get your photo from the report card)

8. A picture of you doing weird things.

what are you doing?
trying on a pair of army goggles
9. A picture of you wearing pink.

10. A picture of you wearing black.

11. A picture of you wearing orange.
dont have la..
12. A picture of you wearing red.
also dont have
i tagg you reading this
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