Went to the curve on saturday with Sook Cheng. We went for breakfast in Taman Mayang first. Then, her mummy and daddy dropped us of at the curve. We headed straight to borders to wait for Kar Ling and her sister, Kar Mun. They also brought weng chung along. FUN! We went to book tickets for Neverwas, a good show, although sook cheng didnt get it. Its a psycological movie. Then we walked to ikano to get Kar Ling's violin fixed. Since we were there, we went to the pet shop. Then we decided to have lunch so we went to The Apartment for lunch. Then we went walking around Cinelesiure. We had to go meet Pui Yee and her boyfriend so we went all the way back to the curve. They hadn't had lunch yet so they went to have lunch and Kar Ling, Sook Cheng and I decided to go to dreamworld. We then went for the movie. I slept for the first half an hour of the movie. Someone coughSookChengcough didnt get the movie :P

jo says " i like the background, jom. lets take a picture!!

I quote some Miss Kar Mun "superman wannabe, Ling's gum promo, The Jo's glamorous pose an the ohwhyamiwiththesepeoplebutIlookgoodsowhathehell pose"

Courtesy of Kar Mun. :)

Shortcake! Yes, I know la I'm short. :P

Jo: "OMG! Ling, look! Chocolate mooouusssseeee"
"The guy who thinks he's a butterfly.the girl who is perasan.the short one.the lovestopose one"

Yea, he sure does love his chicks ;)

Mr. Lulu and Miss. Munkey
I didnt take a picture with you! :o "You see things people dont" ;)

poached egg and bacon sanwich.

I like this picture. I dont know why. :P

We were trying to point at this scary mannequin

Ling trying to be all gangsta. :P

I just realized I had both my middle fingers up. HAHAHA! :P
That was all that happened.
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