the birdpark, ducks, walking in the pouring rain, the tradition, the Plan B chocolate cake, the square phone. <3
one of the best birthday ever.
First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011! :) okay, so I normally would do a review of my 2010 but this time, I’m doing something different by making it short :P
2010 has been nothing but bittersweet. it had it ups and it had its downs but more downs than ups i must say. lets see..
New years countdown at home, as usual, but the phone conversation made it special.
January; The Balcony. nuff’ said.
February was slow and boring.
March, the Big B happened and I also lost my maternal grandfather.
April, was also slow and boring.
May, ended with me being happy.
June, celebrated my birthday three times with three different groups of people.
July, August, September, consisted of many close friends birthday celebrations, spending time with family.
December I lost my maternal grandmother.
I guess 2010 has been a real whirlwind of emotions and in all that, I lost myself. I watched myself fade away. I distanced myself from everyone, became more reserved and kept to myself and was constantly angry with myself. The green monster constantly consumed my thoughts. I became very emotionally unstable. oh, and the best part? I still feel all that.
2011, please be good.
and I’d do anything to just feel better.