Friday, September 18, 2009

our song

as a result of being oh so very free, i have given the blog a makeover. i want feedback people!!! :) *i just squealed at the smiley face cause it is too cute!!*

anyways, i have no pictures to
share, only memories! HAHAHAHA

went out with the the best friend for lunch then met up with the other best friend at 4 (mini jingbang reunion) then at 6 tsab and i decided to be awesome and walk in a freaking downpour from amcorp to taman jaya. and yes we
WALKED! not ran. like sane people do, or get a cab! but it was the best. like tg said only us la, only us! :) and thats why we're bestest friends!

went back to her place and
watched 10 minutes of The Women with the Bustaman's and the white boy (who is not yet a Bustaman XD) and her mum decided to go out for coffee ;) so we go back to amcorp and bump into Rish (details shall be excluded for fear of embarrassment) and we make the most noise in Starbucks. then Shannya comes along and then the party starts!! haha. JINGBANG! nuff' said. i had a DARK MOCHA FRAPPACINNO VENTI and i was gone <3 we went back to casa de' Bustaman and continued watching The Women and then Dim Sum funeral and then tsab, the white boy and i played charades. :) we stayed up till 5.30, laughed and slept till 11 ayem. :)

since i dont have a picture with them i just stole one from tsab's facebook teeheee

the white boy and my bestest friend yo!

and i'm out :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...