Tuesday, February 10, 2009

40 random stuuf about ME ME ME

1. I am not of average height XD

2. I love to eat.. nasi lemak is the bomb man.

3. One Tree Hill FANATIC.

4. I am slightly claustrophobic.

5. I'm a daydreamer

6. To me, music cures all.

7. I've never been out of Malaysia

8. I've never been on a plane

9. I don't really like blood.

10. I love the beach.

11. Bright coloured things or colours attract me

12. My hobbies are reading, dancing, singing and photography

13. I use an old fashioned CD player for my music.

14. I am often a very boring person =)

15. I like cheese. yum yum yum.

16. I really really enjoyed my two years in Assunta

17. I want to go all around the world

18. I love dancing. especially ballet.

19. Pre-marital sex is just not my thing.

20. I believe laughter is the best medicine

21. I like pretty flowers

22. I'm a thrill-seeker.

23. True chocolate addict/chocoholic!!

24. I am a certified clown.

25. I am often mistaken to be 5.

26. I used to ride the lrt for free till I was in form 1, because kids below 6 can go on it for free.

27. I never give in to peer pressure. I am my own person.

28. It amazes me how many people give in. Dont tell me its impossible, cause I've done it.

29. I like vintage things

30. I used to collect football cards

31. I like looking at art

32. I am in young kl singers. Alto, yo! :P

33. I like sports.

34. I'm superly duperly afraid of heights.

35. I like things with superthingy's like... superman, superhero, superhuman.. i'm cool like that.
Oh oh oh! I  cannot sleep without my superman bolster! =)

36. Whenever I go to a Chinese restaurant, most of the time I drink Chinese tea ice.

37. I rarely lose my cool

38. I like being myself. thankyouverymuch

38. I want a hummer.

39. Trees and nature are my friends. =) coughkevincough

40. I love my friends. haha


lotsa lovehugsandkisses.

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