This post is dedicated to the people who walked into my life and stayed there. It's like the saying goes. "They make it into your future for a reason. Some of you don't have pictures because my computer has crashed.

- The sweeetestmostcutestmostadorable thing I have ever meet. After me la, of course. :P We have one thing in common : PETITE! :)To think I only became close to you during camp when it feels like I've known you for years. Remember the M.I.C. gang? and the 5 things good and bad things about yourself? I remember we both said the same good things about each other. Babe, you fit in with us. Don't ever think you don't, alright. Love you, babe.
- Spasicated darlin'! I've known you since std 4. I laugh every time I think about all the things we did. Following some guy all around school just because he was cute when we were in form 1 and he was in I think form 4? I still remember his name and how he looks like. lol. ohoh, also the "hot child" in my apartment. XD And just so you know, I still haven't watched House of Wax. =.= thankyouverymuch. Babe, So much has changed down memory lane and I wanna be there. I love you Spasticated darlin' Carmelia Leanne Emuang
- I laugh so freaking hard every time I'm with you la! Remember "pencuri pencuri" oh yea and 1.2.3. hahahahaha and 1.2.3. sweat. Good times, good times. lol. We always manage to have fun anywhere. Eh, you know I only got close to you in March this year yet we are like practically brother and sister now! Amazing ain't it? I still remember why we actually talked. We were in the same group and I thank god for that now. lol. :P OhOH, I just remembered B and a half! *dies laughing*
KIRAN PILLAY *picture not included*
- You guys are awesome. :) You guys took me in when I was alienated(literally). Now I can't imagine Assunta without you guys. You guys are the reason I drag my butt out of bed at 5.30 in the morning everyday. Yesh, I am your Pariah Squirrel, Johuggles and yes, The Blond :) Anyways, memories with you guys I will never trade for anything in this world. Nothing can ever replace you guys. I swear. The times we have in school is brilliant. Willingly getting up when she announces who didn't do their BM homework, just so we could sit on the floor and sleep :) KARI MEE & NASI LEMAK! and the FRENCH FRIES! homaigosh! I am so gonna miss all that after we finish next year. I don't even wanna think about it. Remember when I found out Kiran and I are cousins and then TG said "Great! Now we will find out that Shannya's also related to Jo and Kiran and the only person who won't be related to you guys, is me," LOL. Oh TG, she's wearing GREEN! I will never ever in my life forget that.
ANNAVISHA - You.are.awesome. I love you. You are sweet, kind, loving, and every berry thing nice. I only knew you this year, but yet you treated me like you've known me for years.
SHASHA - my ShishaShasha :) and yesh I'll be your bella ;) never fail to make me love your friendliness and warmth every time I see you. You are an amazing person. I think you and Inna know me too well. It kinda scares me, in a good way. :P Coffee.BigApple.BaskinRobbins. :P
KATHLEEN TANG - SexymelexyKathleenTangZiHui! In Taman Sea, you were one of the people I was close to. Same class for two years. We got up to a lot of mischief. LOL. I remember punching the glass and you got so scared and kept asking me if my hand was okay.
I guess what I am trying to say with this post is, I LOVE YOU PEOPLE MUCH. :)